For anyone who knows me, it's no surprise that we basically live and breathe Disney in this house. We enjoy the movies and characters like any other person, but we also enjoy going to the parks often and learning little tidbits here and there. We are annual pass holders at Walt Disney World, so we do little trips here and there, which is nice for not stressing out on a huge trip. This last trip was filled with going to Epcot, hanging out a bit and trying a new restaurant, and then going to Magic Kingdom for Baby's First Haircut. (yes, it's been that long since I've updated)
Epcot was nice, though a little warm. But it's June. In Florida. And it was only like 90, so I guess I can't complain too much. Today took us to see Baymax, who we have seen before, but the little one is starting to interact more with characters so we decided to go again. Also, he loves the music in Big Hero 6 and they play it in the meeting area. He's still a little shy with the characters for meet and greets, but he loves to look at them. He was all smiles and giggles until we got to Baymax then he clung to daddy like if he let go they were going to take him.

After that we went in search of some pins, browsing to see what new ones came out and what cast members had for trades. We started pin trading last year at Disneyland, so we wind up talking to a lot of cast members. Some are quick interactions asking to view pins, but sme cast members are a little friendlier and are fun to chat with. For this weekend trip out, we decided to play it lowkey and mostly browse around for pins. We did get a few good ones, and we'll need a new pin board soon before we fill it up before we even purchase it.
We had an early dinner at the Rose and Crown in England. Previously we had only really done our bigger meal at Le Cellier, which is delicious, but pricey. So for something new, and to accomplish actually trying other things in Epcot, we tried Rose and Crown. The husband tried out the Welsh Pub Burger which is all the rage, and I had bangers and mash. He decided that they had the best chips he's had (or fries if you want to be American about it) and that we would totally go there again.
We wrapped up the day with a few more stops for pins and dip into Guest Services to ask a couple questions. Our firt question was regarding a mascot for the Canda pavillion merchandise kiosk. They have a bear that wears a lanyard with some pins, so we stopped to take a look. He also has a name, which is Ralph. The cast members there couldn't tell us why, so that was our first question. For anyone wondering, it's after Ralph Backstrom, a hockey player. The other question we had was food related. At a lot of the sit down places they put a flavored salt on the butter that they bring you with the bread. We got curious wondering if there was a list somewhere or something we can look up telling us the different types of salts used through the parks. Legit stumped Guest Services, who may or may not have looked at us like we were crazy. Spoiler: there's no list. So now we have a new mission, and that's to gather information from each of the places we eat at who does do the add onto the butter, and see if we can compile a list of the ones we like the best. I know, that's the most random thing ever, but hey, when you like something....