
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Babywatch 2015

Here we are again.  Still in a holding pattern.  The good news is, the certificate has come, and I have been able to update my social security number.  Huge weight off my shoulders.  Everything is finally updated in the military database (which was a hassle and a half) but at least now I exist to them.

Now, orders.  Oh, and house selling.  The good news is, the husband's old house is finally getting bids and we can unload that thing.  Neither one of us have any desire to live in Texas (#sorrynotsorry) and will be so happy once we can be rid of all ties with that.  So here's to hoping this deal goes all the way and we can be done by the end of next month.  Then will be the working on this house, and eventually putting it on the market, because yet another state we don't really want to continue to live in.  (#stillnotsorry)  For the orders, supposedly we just have to wait for funding.  Once that is said and done, then comes the paper work with the Ex.  But one thing at a time.

Speaking of one thing at a time, we have entered the next phase of life.  No, it's really not that fast.  In the grand scheme of life, we're in our 30s, we know what we want, and we know what to do to get it.  (heh)  After much discussion, we decided we are going to try for a baby.  As a result, I have lost my ever loving mind and everything is a question.

I am a perfectly rational adult.  No, for real.  For real, for real.  But apparently, in the world of baby, all rationale goes out the window.  It's ALMOST as bad as wedding planning.  Almost.  Except it's all internal and you have no idea what is going on with your body. (#wasthatacramp?)  This is month one.  Time to play the guessing game as to how fertile am I, nearing 34.  I may or may not be able to be saner in about a week.  Maybe.  Probably not.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with having a baby! :)

    In response to your blog comment: I want Little Mac but he is impossible to find. Him and The Villager. Nintendo needs to hurry and make more.
