
About Me

There are things in life that you learn about when you are younger, and things you learn as you're older and hit them along the way.  I've done both.  I've learned that life isn't a fairy tale, that you have to work for what you want, and that blood does not make or bond a family together.  I have had trials in my life that have broken me, made me stronger and ones that have opened my eyes to truths I never wanted to see.

I have been married, divorced, served my country, been a single mom, a cat owner, a dog owner, a house owner, a working mom, and just me.  I like to craft, I like to sing, I like to cook (on occasion) and just hang out with my friends who remind me of what I've overcome to get where I am at.

I wouldn't say that I've found my fairy tale life, but I sure as heck have found one that makes me happy.  Probably the happiest I have ever been.  Hopefully not the happiest I will ever be.  Life is what you make of it.  Complain about everything around you and nothing will be good.  Embrace it, make it your own, and find something to enjoy and it will be a much more pleasant endeavor.

This is my life.